cisco hands-on experience

Implementing Advanced EIGRP

3 Advanced Basic Configuration
  • 3.1 EIGRP over NBMA Networks
  • 3.2 Enabling EIGRP Authentication
  • 3.3 Best Practices

3.1 EIGRP over NBMA Networks

figure 1

      How DLCIs work

      • X.25 (this was the first protocol of frame relay – followed by)
      • ATM
      • MPLS

      • Each Router is connected to a shared bandwidth
      • This is called a PVC (permanent virtual connection)
      • The connected participants uses numbers(DLCI) to communicate
      • DLCI = data link connection identifier
      • Communication over the cloud uses numbers instead of MAC addresses
      • Each PVC has its own bandwidth limitation – called CIR(committed information rate)
      • Different PVC’s can come in on a single physical interface
      • the DLCIs numbers must be different in one Frame Relay cloud

      Frame Relay PVC Design

      figure 2

      How EIGRP handles NBMA
      • EIGRP can use “Pseudo-Broadcasts” or manual neighbors
        • Broadcasts were denied
        • Multicast messages were denied
        • Multicast address were to form neighbor relationship
        • Pseudo Broadcast, because the broadcast were limited of the use of DLCIs. So it is called a Pseudo-Broadcast.
          Later, there will be explained in the LAB.
        • With multipoint you save subnets. With point-to-point not
        • Using the neighbor command in the routing process, you change a multicast address into a unicast address.
        • One manual neighbor statement disables multicast.
      • Split Horizon can be an issue
        • figure 2 – Hub and Spoke. If a Router MD# sends a routing advertisement, the router AZ# who recieved this packet,
          send the advertisement not back on the same interface, where he gets the advertisement. So – CA#
          do not know everything about the networks from MD#.
        • Split Horizon – Disabled on physical interfaces
        • Split Horizon – Enabled on Sub-interfaces

      EIGRP Frame Relay Configuration

      LAB environment

      LAB Configuration
      Configuration of the Frame – Relay Switch
      +++++++ FRS +++++++
      interface Serial2/0
      no ip address
      encapsulation frame-relay
      serial restart-delay 0
      clock rate 64000
      frame-relay lmi-type ansi
      frame-relay intf-type dce
      frame-relay route 102 interface Serial2/2 201
      frame-relay route 103 interface Serial2/1 301
      interface Serial2/1
      no ip address
      encapsulation frame-relay
      serial restart-delay 0
      clock rate 64000
      frame-relay lmi-type ansi
      frame-relay intf-type dce
      frame-relay route 301 interface Serial2/0 103
      interface Serial2/2
      no ip address
      encapsulation frame-relay
      serial restart-delay 0
      clock rate 64000
      frame-relay lmi-type ansi
      frame-relay intf-type dce
      frame-relay route 201 interface Serial2/0 102
      +++++++ HQ +++++++
      interface Serial2/0
      no ip address
      encapsulation frame-relay
      serial restart-delay 0
      interface Serial2/0.1 multipoint
      ip address
      frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
      frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast
      +++++++ EAST +++++++
      interface Serial2/2
      no ip address
      encapsulation frame-relay
      serial restart-delay 0
      interface Serial2/2.1 multipoint
      ip address
      frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
      +++++++ WEST +++++++
      interface Serial2/1
      no ip address
      encapsulation frame-relay
      serial restart-delay 0
      interface Serial2/1.1 multipoint
      ip address
      frame-relay map ip 301 broadcast


      • Configure EIGRP using AS 25 for the shown network. All networks should be announced via EIGRP
      and should be reachable from all routers (you can ping the loopback interfaces to test). You may not
      change the underlying Frame Relay configuration or IP addressing to accomplish this.

      Configure EIGRP using AS 25….
      +++++++ HQ +++++++
      HQ#conf t
      HQ(config)#router eigrp 25
      HQ(config-router)#no auto-summary

      +++++++ EAST +++++++
      HQ#conf t
      HQ(config)#router eigrp 25
      HQ(config-router)#no auto-summary

      +++++++ WEST +++++++
      HQ#conf t
      HQ(config)#router eigrp 25
      HQ(config-router)#no auto-summary

        • If you type at Router EAST ‘show ip route’ you do not see the from the WEST Router. This is because of the ‘Split Horizon’ effect.

        +++++++ HQ +++++++
        HQ#conf t
        HQ(config)#int s2/0.1
        HQ(config-subif)#no ip split-horizon eigrp 25
        *Aug 21 13:36:21.419: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP(0) 25: Neighbor (Serial2/0.1) is resync: split horizon changed
        *Aug 21 13:36:21.419: %DUAL-5-NBRCHANGE: IP-EIGRP(0) 25: Neighbor (Serial2/0.1) is resync: split horizon changed

      • Each office should generate an efficient EIGRP summary route to minimize routing table entries.

      Each office should generate….
      +++++++ HQ +++++++
      HQ# conf t
      HQ(config)#itn s2/0.1
      HQ(config-subif)#ip summary-address eigrp 25

      WEST# sh ip route
      output suppressed
      D [90/2297856] via, 05:00:17, Serial2/2.1

        • configure ‘summary-address’ for EAST and WEST Router, too

      • Configure the HQ router to utilize up to 30% more of the allocated serial interface bandwidth then
      EIGRP’s default configuration.

      Configure the HQ router….
      In normal case eigrp use the half bandwidth for eigrp updates on one interface. This will divided by the amount of neighbors. In our case that will be 32kbps/2 = 16kbps.
      To encrease this value up to 30% use the following command.

      HQ#conf t
      HQ(config)#int s2/0.1
      HQ(config-subif)#ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 25 80

3.2 Enabling EIGRP Authentication
      • Enable authentication between all EIGRP routers. You should use two authentication keys:

      Key 1
      Accepted from: Midnight on Jan 1, 2010 until Midnight on Feb 1, 2010
      Sent from: Midnight on Jan 1, 2010 until Midnight on Feb 1, 2010

      Key 2
      Accepted from: Midnight on Jan 28, 2010 until eterity
      Sent from: Midnight on Jan 28, 2010 until eterity

      Enable authentication….
      +++++++ HQ +++++++

      HQ#sh run | s key chain
      key chain EIGRP_KEYS
      key 1
      key-string cisco1
      accept-lifetime 00:00:00 Jan 1 2010 00:00:00 Feb 1 2010
      send-lifetime 00:00:00 Jan 1 2010 00:00:00 Feb 1 2010
      key 2
      key-string cisco2
      accept-lifetime 00:00:00 Jan 28 2010 infinite
      send-lifetime 00:00:00 Jan 28 2010 infinite

      • Configure the above strings also to router EAST and WEST. Simply copy and paste.

      Activate the authentication

      HQ#conf t
      HQ(config)#int s2/0.1
      HQ(config-subif)#ip authentication mod eigrp 25 md5
      HQ(config-subif)#ip authentication key-chain eigrp 25 EIGRP_KEYS

      • Configure the above strings also to router EAST and WEST. Simply copy and paste.

3.3 Best Practices
      • 3.3.1 Eavesdropping on EIGRP neighbors
      • 3.3.2 Understanding the Query Process
      3.3.1 Eavesdropping on EIGRP neighbors
      debug modes
      EAST#debug eigrp ?
      <1-65535> Autonomous System
      fsm EIGRP Dual Finite State Machine events/actions
      neighbors EIGRP neighbors
      nsf EIGRP Non-Stop Forwarding events/actions
      packets EIGRP packets
      transmit EIGRP transmission events
      vrf Select a VPN Routing/Forwarding instance

      EAST#debug eigrp packets ?
      SIAquery EIGRP SIA-Query packets
      SIAreply EIGRP SIA-Reply packets
      ack EIGRP ack packets
      hello EIGRP hello packets
      ipxsap EIGRP ipxsap packets
      probe EIGRP probe packets
      query EIGRP query packets
      reply EIGRP reply packets
      request EIGRP request packets
      retry EIGRP retransmissions
      stub EIGRP stub packets
      terse Display all EIGRP packets except Hellos
      update EIGRP update packets
      verbose Display all EIGRP packets

      EAST#debug eigrp packets
      *Aug 21 19:53:05.858: EIGRP: Sending HELLO on Loopback2
      *Aug 21 19:53:05.858: AS 25, Flags 0x0, Seq 0/0 idbQ 0/0 iidbQ un/rely 0/0
      *Aug 21 19:53:05.866: EIGRP: Received HELLO on Loopback2 nbr
      *Aug 21 19:53:05.866: AS 25, Flags 0x0, Seq 0/0 idbQ 0/0
      *Aug 21 19:53:05.866: EIGRP: Packet from ourselves ignored
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.694: EIGRP: Sending HELLO on Loopback1
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.694: AS 25, Flags 0x0, Seq 0/0 idbQ 0/0 iidbQ un/rely 0/0
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.702: EIGRP: Received HELLO on Loopback1 nbr
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.702: AS 25, Flags 0x0, Seq 0/0 idbQ 0/0
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.702: EIGRP: Packet from ourselves ignored
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.726: EIGRP: Sending HELLO on Loopback3
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.726: AS 25, Flags 0x0, Seq 0/0 idbQ 0/0 iidbQ un/rely 0/0
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.734: EIGRP: Received HELLO on Loopback3 nbr
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.734: AS 25, Flags 0x0, Seq 0/0 idbQ 0/0
      *Aug 21 19:53:06.734: EIGRP: Packet from ourselves ignored

      3.3.2 Understanding the Query Process

      figure 3

      Look at figure 3.

      When network goes down, R2# send a query messages to all Routers and so on.
      This causes an enormous control traffic of eigrp. R2 keep in for minimum 3 minutes in stuck in active mode. All other Routers reply with a Query Reply.
      There are two methods to correct this problem.

        • 1. Summary Routes
        • .2 stub configuration

        1. The summary route will be send with a query to a neighbors router. But they don’t reply with a query,
        because the router says. You told me about this summary address and i can’t help with a backup route.

        2. Go into the router process for eigrp 25 and configure a stub.

          R2(config-router)#eigrp stub ?
          connected Do advertise connected routes
          leak-map Allow dynamic prefixes based on the leak-map
          receive-only Set IP-EIGRP as receive only neighbor
          redistributed Do advertise redistributed routes
          static Do advertise static routes
          summary Do advertise summary routes

          R2(config-router)#eigrp stub

          If you hit enter, the default value is ‘connected’ and ‘summary’