The configuration register can be used to change router behavior in several ways, such as:
The configuration register can be set from configuration mode using the config-register command. From ROMmon, use the confreg command.
Issue the show version command to view the current setting of the configuration register:
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Last week i was instructed to prepare our Wireless LAN Controller to work with
the webauth 3rd party unchained certificate for external visitors.
We want to provide a certain security feeling for the customers, if they combine with us about wlan access.
By default, WLCs use a built-in self-signed SSL certificate. The WLCs use this SSL certificate in one of these situations:
You are prompted to accept the certificate from the WLC, because the clients do not have a trusted root certificate for the certificate that is installed on the WLC.
The SSL certificate on the WLC is not in the list of certificates that the client system trusts.
There are two ways to stop the generation of this web-browser security alert popup window.
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It is useful to get familiar with the ‘sh int counters’ command, to check if the switchport/interface
(switchport-interface) generate failure on the physical or data link layer.
In some cases clients has latencies or packet loss and therefore bad network performance.
In this blog i want to explain to perform the right outputs and contrue for the troubleshooing.
This will be done with the counter command.
In general you can use the ‘sh interface counters’ for the whole device.
The output show.
You get information of all ports fo the device.
I see how many traffic is generated on each port.
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To clear a vty line (telnet/ssh) connection on a cisco device you have to know, how to interpret the ‘sh line’ output.
To show the line output you can choose the following line-commands.